Earth Month


Please join the Earth Month challenge every April in honor of Earth Day - repurpose creatively every day for 30 days.

Because every little bit counts.

This challenge will open your eyes to all the bits of plastic that might go into the trash and make their way into oceans and landfills. The more of us who participate and see this project, the better the chances we have of affecting positive change and reducing single-use plastic pollution.

Mark April 2025 on your calendar

and watch this space for prompts!


We created a flower from trash picked up daily. Different flower prompts were provided. Click to link to see all the details.



We created a concertina book from cardboard cereal boxes and following daily prompts created small collages from bits of single-use plastic, scraps of fabric or some other small non recyclable.

Watch this video compilation of the project.


We created a book from single-use plastic. Each day in April we upcycled a tiny piece of plastic meant for the trash and small whimsical artwork by stitching it onto a page for the book. When all the pages were complete we stitched them together to form a soft book.

Watch this video compilation of the project.